Kwanzaa Pray for our African-descent neighbors and siblings in Christ who celebrate Kwanzaa, a weeklong observance of African culture and traditions that emphasizes family, community and shared principles. Give thanks for the rich and enduring practices of our African-descent siblings and the global African community.
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December 25
Christmas Day Lift up shouts of thanksgiving and praise for all to hear! God lives among us in the birth of Jesus Christ and pours hope and joy into our lives to fill their voids and mend our brokenness.
December 24
Christmas Eve Shout “Glory to God in the highest!” The good news of the birth of the promised Messiah and Savior for all creation and humankind has been made known to us and is the foundation of our faith and life.
December 23
Give thanks for those who serve our communities during Christmas, including people in health care, elder care, law enforcement, the hospitality industry, emergency services and the military.
December 22
Praise God for this time of remembrance, anticipation and celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, a birth that changed the world and our lives in ways that exceed our imagination and comprehension.
November 17
Pray for the 800-plus rostered ministers who have responded to God’s call to provide specialized pastoral care in ministries across the ELCA and in our communities, including hospice, counseling, corrections, long-term care, and police and fire chaplaincy.
November 16
“O God, to you I cry in pain when sickness makes me weak, when mind and body out of tune bring fears I cannot speak” (ACS 1021). We are never alone in times of distress. Praise God for being attentive to us through caring neighbors and siblings in Christ, especially when we find it difficult […]
November 15
Give thanks to God for the comfort of knowing that we, and those who have gone before us, will one day be gathered together in the kingdom of God — forever.
November 14
Pray for youth and family ministry leaders in our congregations, and promise to express appreciation, support and encouragement for their work of faith formation and caring for young people and their parents.
November 13
Give thanks for ELCA Campus Ministry and the Lutheran Campus Ministry Network (LuMin), which bear witness to God’s grace through worship, study, fellowship and service with students, faculty, staff and others at 230 college and university campuses across the country.