As a body of believers, we believe that we do God’s work with our hands. We “reach out” in God’s love to the neighborhood and to the world.

Quilters Workshop

The Quilters Workshop was established in 1948.  Since that time the group has made thousands of quilts that have been distributed internationally through Lutheran World Relief and other agencies.  They have also been distributed locally to those in need.  The group meets every Wednesday morning cutting, pinning, sewing, pressing and tying quilts (with a snack break in the middle!).  The quilts are then packed and ready to be shipped.   The group makes over 300 quilts per year and display their finished work in the church narthex and nave at the end of spring.

Lutheran Men in Mission

First Lutheran Church has had a Men’s group for over a 100 years!  In years past, it was known as “The Brotherhood”; now it’s the Lutheran Men in Mission.

Our goals (we like to keep things simple):

-To grow in our faith in God and in our love for others through Bible Study and Prayer

-To serve our congregation by providing social events for our church family.

-To informally mentor younger men and boys in the church

-To reach out beyond our church walls to help support the growth and mission of the church at large.

LMM meets the third Tuesday of the month at 7:03 p.m.  We are usually busy serving our church family and community or participating in a Bible Study.  Add this to a lot of humor and great fellowship and you get a pretty good idea of who we are and what we do!

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry at First Lutheran began in 2010 with two groups.  The groups meet and knit or crochet prayer shawls while praying for those in need. 

The prayer shawls are blessed at the Sunday worship service and then distributed to those who are remembered in prayer.  The prayer shawls are a reminder to the recipient that they are wrapped in the love and strength of God and surrounded with prayer by the community of the faithful. 

In addition to the prayer shawls, the group makes small squares for the pocket (pocket prayers) and afghans for the “Warm up America” program. This program distributes afghans to battered women’s shelters, victims of natural disaster and the homeless.

The group meets on Thursdays at 10:00AM in Hansen Parlor.  Even if you don’t know how to knit or crochet you are welcome to come and learn or simply join the group in prayer.

Women of the ELCA

Our Purpose Statement

“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”

Interested in seeing what WELCA is all about?! Come to a meeting on the 4th Monday of each month at 1PM in Niewoehner Hall. We would be happy to see you there!

Worship & Music

Sharing God’s love through talent, the Senior Choir and Joyful Sounds Handbell Choir are two incredible music groups that work together every week to provide music for our worship services. If you feel like you want to share your talent, look into to joining one or both of these groups! Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 5:15 for handbell choir and 7:15 for Senior Choir (not including the summer months).


This committee educates the congregation in our understanding of stewardship as a way of life.  Stewardship is managing with care and respect what God has given us.  This committee is responsible for encouraging and inspiring members to give to God through time, talent and treasure.  The committee coordinates the yearly stewardship campaign. 

Social Ministry

This ministry helps with so much in the church and in the community. With events including Sharing Place Meals, sending care packages to college students and military personnel, providing snacks and school supplies for WAEC, Beaty and WAHS, raising donations for Bethesda Children’s Home, Habitat for Humanity, Women’s Center of Warren County, and Love INC, as well as helping with 2nd Harvest Food Bank. If you are interested in helping your community, this is the ministry for you! Join us in the fun.

Christian Education

This committee ensures the congregation provides opportunities to learn about the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Committee coordinates the following programs and organizations:  Sunday’s Cool, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation Camp, 1st Communion, Extreme Losers, and more. To learn more about these programs, click here!

Witness Committee

This committee lifts up the congregation’s responsibility to share the Gospel within and beyond the parish.  Places radio and newspaper ads to raise awareness regarding the ministry at First Lutheran Church.  Committee hosts community events such as Trunk ‘n Treat, 4th of July water giveaway, and oversees the Holiday Meal program in conjunction with Trinity Episcopal and other churches  Reviews the roll of membership and encourages parishioners to invite others to experience the Good News at First.  Witness is experienced through all functions of the Church. 

For more information regarding our “Other Ways to Serve”, please email the church office.