Pray for your synod’s leaders, congregations and special ministries. Ask the Spirit to sustain them and stir their creative wisdom in carrying out the mission of the church in a changing and challenging world.
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February 2
Remember in prayer those who suffer from heart disease, heart failure and congenital heart defects. Pray for the doctors, nurses, surgeons, care providers, researchers and chaplains who provide treatment, care and encouragement to patients of all ages and their families.
February 1
Pray for synod hunger team chairs and other key ELCA World Hunger leaders participating in the ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering in Houston. Ask the Spirit to guide their work of energizing congregations and synods to end hunger and poverty in the world, bringing relief and hope to our neighbors.
January 31
Pray for leaders and organizations gathered at the Lutheran Services in America Disability Network Winter Meeting in Phoenix, that the Spirit will inspire and guide their work as they empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to lead their best lives in society, the church and the world.
January 30
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding” (Psalm 111:10). Give thanks that, in this verse, fear isn’t something negative, threatening or worrisome but instead means awe and respect for God and God’s ways, which enable us to practice wisdom, compassion and justice throughout […]
January 29
Remember in prayerthose who serve in law enforcementin our communities and nation. Give thanks for the many ways they care for our well-being. Pray for their safety and ask the Spirit to nurture their wisdom, compassion and impartial judgment in the exercise of their responsibilities.
January 28
Praise God that Jesus was born human and knows what our life entails, and that Jesus is the Son of God, revealing the immeasurable power, love and mercy of our Creator.
January 27
Lydia, Dorcas and Phoebe, witnesses to the faith Pray that when we share the story of God’s love and activity in the world, we will remember women in the Bible who professed their faith in God, served as leaders in the church, shared the good news of Jesus Christ and cared for neighbors in need.
January 26
Pray for the Deaconess Community of the ELCA, a diverse group of sisters in Christ who courageously proclaim the gospel, work for justice and healing, and serve all people.
January 25
Conversion of Paul Give thanks for God’s presence in our lives and for the work of the Holy Spirit, which changes our lives and the world.