“In my trials, Lord, walk with me; when my heart is almost breaking, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me” (ELW 325). Lent reminds us of our frailty, suffering and loneliness and of God’s love and forgiveness, found in the life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Breathe a sigh of relief and […]
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February 27
Remember in prayer the bishops of our church gathering for the Conference of Bishops in Itasca, Ill. Give thanks for their faith, gifts, wisdom and diverse perspectives, which God uses to benefit the church and help us do God’s work in the world.
February 26
Pray that we will not grow weary of serving our neighbors in need, both nearby and around the world. Ask the Spirit to renew us when we feel overwhelmed by human needs.
February 25
Do you know someone celebrating a momentous occasion — a birth, an anniversary, recovery from illness or injury? Let their joy be your joy, and lift up prayers of thanksgiving to God.
February 24
Pray for the work of the ELCA Peace Not Walls campaign, which seeks a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and connects ELCA members with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, the Lutheran World Federation and ecumenical companions across the Middle East.
February 23
Promise to learn God’s ways and truth and to integrate them into your daily life, that we might operate from a firm foundation of love, wisdom and justice when struggling to discern right from wrong and to relate to one another.
February 22
Remember in prayer those who helped you become the child of God you are today — siblings in Christ, parents and family, church leaders, teachers, friends, strangers, mentors and influential people who have gone before us.
February 21
The cross has becomewidespread in art, jewelry, clothing and popular culture around the world. Reflect on the symbol and the true meaning of the cross for those who find salvation and identity in Christ.
February 20
Ask God to bless the work of the ELCA Organizing for Mission Network, a community of leaders and resource providers who use the principles of community organizing to develop, redevelop and renew gospel-centered communities that act for the sake of the world and the well-being of our neighbor.
February 19
Martin Luther, renewer of the church (1483-1546) Give thanks that we continue to learn from and be inspired by the sermons, hymns and writings of Martin Luther, who studied and wrestled with Scripture and the church to better understand God’s saving grace and how it impacts every aspect of daily life