April 19

Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathering for the assemblies of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana and Western Iowa synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and inspire them as they reflect on the mission of the church, choose leaders and encourage one another to proclaim the gospel and serve our neighbors in need.

April 13

We live in a world that pits different groups of people against each other, causing inequity and anguish. Ask the Spirit to transform our fear and prejudice into compassion, kindness, empathy and respect — qualities that strengthen our relationships with each other and affirm the goodness of God’s creation. “How very good and pleasant it […]

April 12

Pray for ELCA Global Mission personnel, including volunteers, longtime staff, Young Adults in Global Mission, and seminary students serving as Horizon International interns. Give thanks for their faithful service and the gifts and talents they bring to their work alongside our global companions.