Give thanks and praise to God for responding to our cries for help — silent and spoken — in times of trouble, when our spirits are crushed.
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April 30
Thank God for the gift of baptism, which affirms our faith, washes us clean with God’s love and forgiveness, welcomes us to the vast community of siblings in Christ and grants us a new life of service and sharing the gospel wherever we go.
April 29
“To the servant of God … every place is the right place, and every time is the right time” (Catherine of Siena, theologian, 1347-1380). Pray for the wisdom to see every moment of every day as an opportunity to honor God through loving, serving and honoring our neighbors in need.
April 28
“Those who say, ‘I love God,’ and hate a brother or sister are liars, for those who do not love a brother or sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen” (1 John 4:20). Give thanks that God loved us first, so that we might know unconditional love and mercy […]
April 27
Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathering for the assemblies of the Northeastern Minnesota and Virginia synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and inspire them as they reflect on the mission of the church, choose leaders and encourage one another to proclaim the gospel and serve our neighbors in need.
April 26
Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathering for the assembly of the Alaska Synod, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and inspire them as they reflect on the mission of the church, choose leaders and encourage one another to proclaim the gospel and serve our neighbors in need.
April 25
Give thanks for the numerous volunteers from across the country who are training to help youth and their adult leaders at the ELCA Youth Gathering this summer in New Orleans.
April 24
Pray for the leaders, voting members and others gathering for the assembly of the Rocky Mountain Synod, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and inspire them as they reflect on the mission of the church, choose leaders and encourage one another to proclaim the gospel and serve our neighbors in need.
April 23
To whom do we turn when we are tired or unsure of our path in life? Praise God, who stays by our side through every twist and turn.
April 22
Remember in prayer our neighbors and siblings in Christ whose vocations pull them away from their family, friends, congregation and community. Pray that the Holy Spirit will sustain their faith and spirit and that we will express our connection with them as they come and go.