Pray for the ministries unique to your community, that we will consider the people and needs they serve, value their staff and volunteers, and generously support their work.
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February 27
“Esteem [the Bible] as the precious fountain that can never be exhausted” (Martin Luther, Table Talk). What stories and texts in the Bible are most familiar to you? Pray for the Spirit to help you discover something new and revealing each time you read or hear those familiar texts.
February 26
Give thanks for the work we do together through programs, ministries and initiatives of the ELCA and our synods. Pray that our church will thrive and that we will inspire faith and hope wherever we share the good news of Jesus Christ.
February 25
Pray for synod bishops gathering for the spring Conference of Bishops in Itasca, Ill., that the Spirit will guide and enrich their time together for worship, study, mutual sharing, and conducting business. Give thanks for their guidance of our church and ask God to equip them for leadership, service and responding to the growing challenges […]
February 24
In the dreariness of winter, when nature seems lifeless, give thanks to God for the people and little things reminding us that life endures, though we might think it depleted. God’s ability to create, revive and sustain life — even in us — is cause for joy and thanksgiving!
February 23
“Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you” (Luke 6:27-28). Pray for humility and courage to love our neighbors as God has loved us.
February 22
Remember in prayer our ministries in nine countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Pray for ELCA Global Mission personnel and Young Adults in Global Mission volunteers, who help deepen relationships of accompaniment with companion churches and who work to develop leaders, strengthen education and health ministries, and confront issues of migration and gender justice.
February 21
Thank God for the ELCA’s special relationship with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), a full communion partner since 1997. Pray for the church, its members and its leaders, that together we will find strength and resources for the work of sharing the gospel and serving our neighbor
February 20
World Day of Social Justice (U.N.) Ask for God’s help to advance social justice everywhere, to foster healthy societies and economies, to end inequality and discrimination, and to increase inclusion — issues critical for the well-being of our neighbors and communities.
February 19
Praise God for the work of the Spirit, which creates and nurtures our faith and hope in Jesus Christ, our risen Savior, whose love has no limits and endures through our ups and downs.