We all want to know what the kingdom of heaven is like and when Jesus will come again. Express your trust that Jesus Christ has made a place for us in the kingdom of God, and pray that the Spirit will focus us on doing God’s work in the world now, as we look forward […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
November 11
Veterans Day Remember and give thanks for those who have served our country in times of peace and conflict — here and around the world. Pray that they will never be forgotten or taken for granted.
November 10
Give thanks and praise to God, creator of diverse, abundant creatures in the seas and oceans that feed the hungry, inspire awe, reveal secrets that lead to medical discoveries and keep aquatic ecosystems healthy and thriving.
November 9
Pray for the leaders of our church as they gather for the ELCA Church Council, that the Spirit will guide their deliberations and decisions to further our mission of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, serving our neighbors and growing the church.
November 8
Remember in prayer foster families and programs that provide transitional and long-term homes and care for infants, children and youth. Ask the Spirit to inspire people to consider becoming foster parents, and give thanks for foster care services provided by member organizations of Lutheran Services in America
November 7
Election Day Ask the Spirit to help us exercise concern for our neighbor, the well-being of communities, and racial, gender and economic justice as we discern whom to elect as our leaders and public servants. Give thanks for ELCA votes, an initiative to help us citizens and people of faith understand our role in promoting […]
November 6
Pray for outdoor ministry professionals, staff and board members as they gather for the Lutheran Outdoor Ministry conference in Lake Geneva, Wis. Ask God to bless their time together for worship, renewal, networking and enhancing their skills.
November 5
Pray that we will take to heart and respond to the same instructions Jesus gave to his disciples: to care for our neighbors who suffer poverty, hunger and illness and to bless those who commit their lives to caring for others, pursuing justice and making peace.
November 4
Remember in prayer those who have been impacted by recent tropical storms and hurricanes, that they might find relief, assistance and hope in the support provided by neighbors, faith communities, synods and relief agencies, including Lutheran Disaster Response. Ask God to strengthen our resilience and wisdom to meet the mounting challenges of natural disasters and […]
November 3
“I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people” (Jeremiah 31:33). The new covenant that God made with us long ago permeates every aspect of our life and can’t be broken or voided, because its foundation is […]