Pray for peace, healing and justice in places of conflict and violence, especially Ukraine, the Holy Land, Myanmar, Haiti, Venezuela and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
January 4
Human Trafficking Prevention Month Pray that we will work together diligently to prevent sexual slavery, forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation, including online forms of trafficking. Pray for our communities of faith to be safe places of refuge, respect, care and support for victims and survivors of human trafficking, especially young people of all genders […]
February 4
Give thanks for Jesus, our Savior, who changed the world not by force or coercion but by demonstrating God’s lifesaving love, mercy, care for those who suffer and welcome for those who are excluded. Pray that the example of Jesus and the word of God will guide us in living for one another and sharing […]
January 3
“Praise the Lord from the earth, you sea monsters and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and frost, stormy wind fulfilling his command!” (Psalm 148:7-8). Pray for the Spirit to stir our sense of awe for all that God has created and for God’s boundless love for humankind.
January 2
Pray without ceasing for an end to the conflicts and humanitarian crises in the Middle East, Ukraine, South Sudan and other countries. Ask God to make us instruments of peace, reconciliation and justice in the world wherever there is turmoil and suffering. Pray for the vital work we do together through Lutheran Disaster Response, ELCA […]
December 31
New Year’s Eve Our baptism with water, the word of God and the blessings of our siblings in Christ marks us as children of God and followers of Jesus, loved, forgiven and made new every day of our lives. Alleluia!
December 30
Share with God your hopes, concerns, uncertainties and aspirations for the year ahead. Pray for the Spirit to strengthen our faith in God’s concern for us and in God’s attention to our prayers — spoken and silent.
December 29
Lift up prayers of relief and thanksgivingfor God’s mercy, which is fair and generous and is never swayed by our actions or words, no matter how good or well-intended.
December 28
Christmas may have come and gone, but wecarry into every day the joy of Christmas and the birth of the Christ child, the manifestation of God’s love for humanity.Give praise and thanks to God!
December 27
Give thanks that the gift of grace found in Jesus Christ is both deeply personal and for all humankind. “Of what benefit would it be to me if Christ had been born a thousand times, and it would daily be sung into my ears in a most lovely manner, if I were never to hear […]