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January 23
There’s a bit of Jonah in all of us when we question God’s wisdom and mercy and balk at doing what God asks of us. Promise to be attentive and responsive to God’s work and to trust that God’s boundless love and forgiveness are for all people, including ourselves.
January 22
Pray for Lutheran outdoor ministry leaders as theyrecruit young adult staff for summer ministries. Pray that young adults will respond to these leaders’ invitation to share their faith, gifts and leadership abilities with campers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.
January 21
Jesus Christ is the good news of God’s grace and mercy at the heart of our baptism and faith. Give thanks and praise God for this amazing promise and gift!
January 20
Remember in prayer individuals and families who are homeless. Pray for congregations, community ministries, social service organizations and local and state governments that are working to develop effective, creative and sustainable housing, shelter and care for our neighbors.
January 19
When we are united with Christ, every aspect of our life and being — spiritual, physical and social — is impacted. Pray for the Spirit to help us stay faithful to the ways of God and the example of Christ and to reclaim us when we give undue value and attention to things that distract […]
January 18
Ask God to renew and strengthen our resolve to end hunger and poverty and to address their root causes in our communities and the world. Promise to listen carefully to our neighbors in need so that we can work together to find appropriate, effective and sustainable solutions.
January 17
Pray for youth and family ministry leaders and volunteers gathering for the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza 2024 in New Orleans, that the Spirit will renew their faith, affirm their gifts and equip them to surround young people with God’s grace and mercy.
January 16
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well” (Psalm 139:14). When we doubt ourselves and question our value, remember and give thanks that God created us and knows us inside out, including our quirks, gifts, needs, questions and complexities.
January 15
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Give thanks and praise for siblings in Christ, such as Martin Luther King Jr., who risk everything to proclaim God’s love and concern for all, stress the inherent value of our neighbors as children of God and awaken us from indifference, inactivity and hesitation to do God’s difficult work in […]