Joy and sorrow are both intrinsic to being human. Pray that we might feel each of them as deeply, in the world and in our lives.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
February 14
Ash Wednesday“Beware of practicing your righteousness before others in order to be seen by them” (Matthew 6:1). Reflect on who we are to God — fragile, imperfect beings and loved children who stand before God with humility and gratitude.
February 13
Pray that everything we do and say as people of faith will light the world, direct attention to our Creator and reflect God’s love for humanity and all creation.
February 12
Give thanks for our global companions whose daily realities, faith traditions, culture and language may differ from ours yet complement and enrich our lives and faith.
February 11
Like Jesus’ disciples, we are often confused, fearful and full of questions, longing to understand what God is doing through Jesus and what we must do as followers. Pray for God’s patience as our faith matures and we learn how to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
February 10
Pray that the Spirit will strengthen and sustain Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, stir her wisdom and renew her vison for our church and its mission.
February 9
Promise to follow in the footsteps of Paul, who was mindful of the responsibility God had entrusted him with to share the gospel with people of various cultures, beliefs and life circumstances.
February 8
Praise God for the50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger and the ways God continues to use our collective assets to impact the world and serve our neighbors in need.
February 7
Remember in prayer our neighbors and siblings in Christ who experience domestic abuse — physical, sexual or emotional. Pray that they will find refuge, community support and care for their injury and trauma. Give thanks for the work of ELCA Justice for Women, Women of the ELCA and community organizations that serve victims and survivors […]
February 6
“The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary” (Isaiah 40:28). Who better to have at our side during every twist and turn in life than God, who is mighty, merciful and concerned for our well-being? Give praise and thanks to God!